首頁 > 產品目錄 > CE認證 > (LIFT)電梯指令-CE認證 > 電梯LIFT主要協調標準


EN 81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Lifts for the transport of persons and goods-Part 20: Passenger and goods passenger lifts

EN 81-20電梯建造和安裝安全規則-載人或載貨電梯-20部分:乘客電梯和客貨電梯。

EN 81-50:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests-Part 50: Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components

EN 81-50電梯建造和安裝安全規則-檢查和測試部分-50部分:電梯安全部件的計規則,計算,檢查和測試。

EN 12015:2014 Electromagnetic compatibility -Standard family product for lifts, escalators and moving walks– Emission

EN 12015電磁兼容-直梯,扶梯和人行道-輻射。

EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks–Immunity

EN 12016 電磁兼容-直梯,扶梯和人行道-電磁抗擾。